The Muse

There exists a universe where I'm known as Lima. You aren't allowed there.
There exists another universe in which Lima walks. You are already here.
You have entered because you can appreciate style while ignoring content. You had been warned.
P.S. Don't bash me up if you find haiku or plain prose here.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Punishment


No disrespect meant to any people and places. The world is a family.

Banupriya is real. She really calls me Roy. She is a scientist in a laboratory. Her laboratory is not in Lahore.

Also, she is not one to curse people lightly. Especially my sister and me. So if you are Banupriya, please don't curse me for casting you in my story.

I don't live in Beirut. I have no reason to be there.

I miss my sister, who is really at home.

Monday, March 28, 2011


I’ve never seen better, I’ve never seen worse
In the splitting of an atom, I’ve seen the universe
But the world has no existence
Outside our point of view
Thus even as I stare at it
It shows up something new
Tired by the fruitlessness, of this most futile task
A whole new kind of persona, I wanted to unmask
All that could be visible
I did not wish to see
The tiny and the transparent
Were not a mystery
Alas the only cursed nook, unreachable by eye
Is the cursed eye itself, which I cannot spy
Thus dejected a nihilist
I was tempted to become
But something about nihilism
Did not seem wholesome
For everything the grace of God, makes possible to see
I owe Him some minimal trust, for what’s hidden from me
The issue I now realize
Is not of faith or doubt
It’s not about how well I see
But how well I figure out

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Ides of March Arrive

The entrails of Prometheus old
Are consumed even as he's alive
My entrails they likewise grow cold
As the ides of March arrive
The path of the old and the path of the new
Will from the very same source derive
Hark ye! These paths decided they will be
As the ides of March arrive
The trade of formal dope is due
To meet deadlines I strive
Alas I face such deadlines three
As the ides of March arrive
I set my house in order true
In an attempt to my spirit drive
Thank God! Some order I can see
As the ides of March arrive
The ides of March they came and went
As they come and go each year
But the ides of March make evident
Our guts in the face of fear